Full Disclosure
I’ve decided that i want to keep this blog, and use it generally for technology-related musings. (i have a livejournal for all the other unrelated miscellaneous stuff i like to post.)
In order for this to work, i want to put my objectives out in plain view. I started this blog as a place to post my fake apple rumor. It was dishonest – purposefully misleading. I’m not apologizing for it because i found it rather amusing (and still do) but i dont want my (theoretical) readers to worry about being tricked. My goal is not to fool anyone.
From this point on, though this blog may contain conjecture and opinion, it will not be purposefully misleading. If i have any facts wrong, i promise you it is accidental and i would appreciate feedback. If i am commenting on any rumors or possible mis-information, i will make it a point to cite sources and do the best i can to make it apparent.
Jeff! You’re back! Nice one! But if you’d kept it going right on from the Apple rumour, then you could have amassed a huge fanbase. Nevermind! Later is better than never.
Your friend,
Delta - November 10th, 2006 at 2:34 pm